how to write for the web

How to Write for the Web – 8 Blogging Tips for Beginners

Are you a newbie in the world of blogging? Do you hesitate to write a persuasive blog post? If the answer is ‘Yes’, then just grab a cup of tea and go through this article. I hope this article will help you in rooting out your hesitation.

Why Should You Know Writing for the Web Well?

Before moving forward, I would like to tell you that most of the visitors show a cold shoulder to your blog posts if your texts sound too much technical and literary or too hard to understand. Remember most of the netizens of the web love to read easy to read texts and they often skim through the texts rather than poring over each and every word of your article. 

Buffer claims that,

“55% of Visitors Read Your Articles For 15 Seconds or Less”

As visitors spend so little time, every second counts for your success, isn’t it?

Perhaps, some of you already do know how to write engaging and compelling content for offline media like newspaper, book or magazines. But, interestingly, the way you write for the offline media will not hold water for online media e.g. blog writing or any kind of copywriting.

Here Is How You Can Write for the Web

how to write for the web

Today, I am going to share 8 tactics of writing killer blog posts or articles for the web. Here are those that I love to follow:

Know Your Audience at First

Determine who your readers are. Are you going to target those who are seeking complicated academic text written in literary text? If your readers are looking for academic text then your write-up in complex sentences and tough words might serve the purpose. But If you want to attract the attention of your potential customers or general visitors then you have to make sure that you use simple, informative and above all, a text written in an easier way.

Remember your visitors might be from different backgrounds who may not understand the complex sentences, obsolete and tough words that you are interested in to use.

Use Appropriate Headings, Sub-headings, and Bullets

Most of the visitors or readers prefer reading your text at a glance to a detailed reading. So, they are more likely to switch to another site if they see a bunch of dull texts without any headings or key points!!! This is why you must use proper headings, even sub-headings, and bulleted lists if necessary to maintain the quality of persuasive writing. Use of proper headings will not only help you to retain your visitors’ attention but also will help your website rank in the search engine for a certain keyword. 

Place the Most Important Information First

Almost everyone tends to read the news that is published on the very first page of a newspaper. This is why the very first page of a newspaper contains the most important news!!! So don’t forget to follow this law of prioritizing information i.e., placing the key points or information at the very outset of your blog. Otherwise, you might lose your visitors attention who were looking for important information that you may have placed in the middle part of or at the last part of your blog.

Avoid Clever Phrasing, Difficult Vocab, and Jargons

Don’t try to show off your wisdom by using clever phrasing, difficult vocabularies or the boring jargons. Doing so will discourage your visitors to read your text as they will feel annoyed since the majority of the visitors are likely to go through easy texts. Hence, I recommend you writing texts free from clever phrasing, difficult vocabularies or jargons.

Use You-viewpoint

Write as if you were talking to them in person. This will persuade your visitors to go through your content as much as possible. Using you-viewpoint means you are giving your readers the utmost priority. So, never forget the fact that you are actually talking to your reader while writing your content. 

Avoid Passive Voices, Repetition of Words and Grammatical Errors

Keep in mind that visitors completely hate passive voices, repetition of words and last but not the least, grammatical errors. Use active voices as much as possible and embellish your write up with a good sense of grammar. 

Another important point is that repeating a word even twice in two consecutive sentences is much to bore your readers. Remember, never reiterate words to sustain your professionalism.

Know a Bit of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Friendly Writing

No matter how good you are at writing for the web, a good sense of SEO know-how will give your article a bump to success. If you can target a specific keyword and can implement LSI keywords for that specific keyword, chances are pretty high that your post will appear on the first page of the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). This will help you get organic traffic for your post.

Use Multimedia in Your Text

Who does love blatant texts? You should use appropriate images, GIFs, and videos on your blog where necessary. This is pretty much helpful to grab the attention of the reader and keep the bounce rate low which is obviously a great thing for your website.

Final Thoughts

From the above discussion, we can conclude that writing for the web is much more different from writing for offline media. However, there is a proverb “Practice makes a man perfect”. Chances are that the more you write for the web, the better a blogger you will be.

If you have different ideas and thoughts on writing for the web more efficiently then you are welcome to comment in the following comment section. Thank you for your patience.

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